Soooo Monday morning began with morning block math - always a favourite. I had me grey tracky bumbums on, a Mamma Mia t-shirt of Apoorva's and that oversized denim jacket on when I realised it was uniform day. At brekkie then, I ran back to me room, grabbed that striking Callan uniform courtesy of MLV and spent the rest of my day getting endless compliments. What can I say? I'm a bebo stunnah through and through. Tar éis an scoile, I cursed this darn campus for stealing me mega expensive pressie which I'd bought for Nawnee bum's birthday, did very little work, ate some of one of Áine's birthday cakes in the block 3 dayroom, went to service planning, sorted out me dive gear with Yara and some tipex (or white-out as I've had to rename it - also, on that topic, IT'S PLASTER DANGNABBIT! What is this band-aid shite?!), then ate soup by the courtyard in order to free up soup cans for photography so's we could make pinhole cameras. After photography I'd intended to go to bed early, but instead decided to order a McFlurry when Maddie posted on the LPC Mickey D's page and somehow managed to forget that it takes an hour to arrive. Nevertheless I maximised this time by sitting in one of the computer slots in the block 3 computer room whilst having the bant with Livvie & Maddie. Then Tifftiff came and we continued our...philosophical chinwag on the staircase.
On Tuesday I had my day 7 so again the lie in/shower conundrum. I went for personal hygiene; I had, after all, been wearing the Callan uniform the day before. After school I did a wickle bit of moping, then moped to Apoorva about having to go tutoring, then decided to quit me moping cause twas such a mega gorgeous day that I should go to the pool. Pure bombed it up and down the pool so I did. Before tutoring. Which was purdy grand in fairness. I just chatted to Charlie for an hour and a half and played a card game. The poor dote is petrified about going to boarding school in Engerland next year (wouldn't blame her), though she perked up a little when I told her there were no mozzies. I got back at 7.16 then shprinted to room 103c for jazz band yokes (we're doing Respect by Aretha Franklin which is totes bawse). Can't think of what I did after check in on Tuesday, needless to say it was time effective and constructive.
Wednesday was MUN change of pace day. Now MUN stands for Model United Nations. It's like playing house, but you're playing UN. As my dad aptly said, "Isn't that what the UN does?". Regardless, we all took part from 9-4. Our chair is a talented pianist and our vice chair (or long fancy word beginning with r and ending in e with a few ps in it) fell asleep to wide-screen Mario Kart. All of the UNDP members who went on Wednesday seemed to be for genetically modified food and so the debate pretty much fell flat on its face until I decided to be a crazy mofo and represent Germany & South Africa. Hardcore, I know. After MUN day sadly ended, I tried to locate Áine, succeeded at 6:30 (she was doing strange things in Selwyn's bath), and then we hopped on the bus to Sai Kung, had dinner with our irish mammy, picked up some more hilarious anecdotes of the homeland and got dropped back to school for check in. After check in I sent out an e-mail about a lost pair of shoes. Somehow, despite me discovering them everytime mum threw them in the bin at home, they've finally disappeared and left the face of the earth. I also went to bed unraaaly early.
On Thursday I had a full block, after which I mooched around doing some physics labs before art for non artists when we very creatively painted some cardboard black for a seemingly unfathomable reason. I went to Olivia's food fest on the block 4 roof @ 6 and had chimychangas a la Jason, pasta, brownies, lemon tart, espresso chocolates (I bet off the edge, let the ganky liquid drip out then ate the rest of the chocolate), Liat's Israeli crackers, eggy bread etc etc to Midnight Beast. Twas mint. I lay in the hammock like a beached whale. At about 7:30 I had some block 4 dayroom shenanigans avec LivvieUh, then had a meeting with Michele at 8:30 in her flat about café leadership with Tavishi, Queeny & Áine. After check in & block meeting I witnessed Peter & Bobby's "We Never Have To Do A Chem Lab Again" fluid sculpture to Sweet Disposition. To say it was moving is a gross understatement.
Friday, got up, chem morning block, nuff said, other classes fairly normal with the exception of English which was held in that place about a 17 day hike from any point on campus (you know, block 4) cause Linda's busted her knee. After school I had a lunchtime rant with Olivia & Nina, went to peer support training, discussed my feelings in depth, played a game called summat like SUPER AMAZING DELUXE GUITAR MEGA HERO 4 until dinner, didn't eat dinner because it was ubes uninspiring/gross, went to jazz band rehearsal II (still no sax), came back to my room and decided to do 3 things. Tidy it, buy comfort food in abundance in Wellcome, and download Bridget Jones. After returning from Wellcome I wrote a physics lab, made a cuppa tae, realised my milk was no longer milk but another mutated dairy product, popped me popcorn, cracked open the Malteasers, strawberries, dried mango, Diet Coke, Mars bar, Happy Colas and watched Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason. I swear to god that woman is after me own heart. Legend. Best Friday night in a long while.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Monday, 26 March 2012
Fruit Ninja Like a Looza
This week, something crazy will happen. Imma start with TUESDAY! Blew some minds right there, I know. Soooo tuesday began with chemistry which was the most delightful freeeeeeeeeee the world has ever known. A NO CHEMISTRY E-MAIL. Oh sweet morning delight. I then had geo, physics, yingrish and chiiiinese. I lost my legs to the hoardes of mozzies that are coming to take over then had a few LACE (Latin American Cultural Evening) rehearsals until check in, after which I grabbed Paloma's teddy bear, legged it to the block 1 day room and somehow managed to get Minh into the dayroom by pretending we were having a brit meeting. I stabbed him with the teddy bear and got his challenge. (This is for Assassin btw, check out previous blog).
Ar an ceadaoin, I had another free morning block, then classhes and that, and then I missed an Amnesty afternoon for me job interview with this insane chinese wan. Conversation follows.
Me: "Hi Cherry!"
Me: "Aiiiight"
She's a very nice woman. I start with her daughter on Tuesday. Tar éis é sin I came back onta campooos, then got the bus to Sara's house for 4:30, read with Erin for a while, then was a savage for bacon and cabbage and awkwardly watched Outnumbered and Ashes to Ashes whilst my surrogate irish mammy discussed interior design with what I assume were interior designers. I got back before check in, then had LACE rehearsals - cajj dancing reggaeton with Anders (ECE represent).
On Thursday I had English morning block - the mysteriously glorified third year Kumar gave us a presentation on media institutions. How Linda convinced him to get up for 7.30 I will never understand. Fair play to her. After school I did a whole load of sitting on my bed stalking Nicki Minaj because Ella made me listen to her in physics before art for non artists when we did tie dye (yeah buddy!). Howevs the dye was food colouring so I'm pretty wary of washing me now pink Arctic Monkeys t-shirt and vaguely blue dress. It also means that me arse was blue from walking around in the dress. Oh well. Looks cool. I went out with Apoopoo, Heather, Hailey & Rosie for a while to get a cream soda (cuz that shizzle is delish). I got back for the GIF then skidoodled back to my room before check in. On Thursday night I went up on the roof with RaRa which were nice too. Understated place 2kaiii 10+2.
Friday went splendidly, had very few classes, as ya do, hung out in the newly refurbished common room (dem sofas be cracking), played Fruit Ninja like a looza (zomgodzzz it rhymes), then went to Ma On Shan on the MTR, raided Park N Shop and had a pensive to the point of pretentious seaside walk back, cause it's really not worth the MTR fare back for those of us who STILL haven't collected their Octopus cards. I had a couple of LACE rehearsals upon my return to campus, then waited up so unreal late (okay loike 12) for Áine, who never materialised.
On Saturday I got up for lion dance, could hardly move me legs during it and took far too many water breaks. I blame the Latinas. After LD I hads me a shower, some brunch and that, then went to Mong Kok with Bearta to get us some shopping done. I popped into Me & G whereby I got this delightfully naff shirt and the sell out oversized denim jacket - for unreal cheap prices and with the added bonus of being able to smell like old chinese men. We trawled through a mobbed H & M and made the most of Cotton On too. Got back round 3, did a bit of an MUN position paper and skyped le pater before getting dressed up as a high donkey (drug mule...geddit?) avec Jason, some paper ears, and all the drugs the nurse has doled out to the two of us to cure various ailments such as cold (in my case) and I defecated on my bed (Jason's case - although this was really just an abismal lie on his behalf in order to get off class that particular day). We went to LACE dinner, and I ate a plate of dinner, a plate of dessert, another plate of dinner, and then a plate of what I liked the most. Might as well stock up on good food for the rest of the term in fairness. I rushed back to my room after brit photo, grabbed me costume for LACE loike, and positioned myself on the second floor of the a-block in order to get a good view of the show. Basic plotline? Um. I dunno but Heather was the nose of the statue of liberty. And my, what a gorgeous nose she made. I, along with Anders, played an integral role as we danced magnificently to Choque (sp?). After LACE I dilly dallied with Rahael for a while before we headed out to the stairs with erryone. I came back with Bobby & Peter for Áinee's birthday celebration in the common room. We attacked her with potato stamps. I went to the canteen party for a little while at 11ish (oh the sca had there was unrale), but then at about 12.30 went to bed.
Got up pretty early on Sunday, bout 9ish, had me a shower, got some brunch, got dressed, stole Paolina's camera (ta for that PaoPao) and headed out to Tai O on a photography excursion with John Wang, Mary, Benedict, Shani, Palomo & Tara. It took years to get there and I fell into a comatose state in the bus on the way there. Tai O were luffly, and it sure were a luffly day for it too. After taking far too many shots with my super creeper lens, and being shouted at by many an indignant camera shy laoren, we joined the 200 strong queue of people for the bus home. Tellin ya, they've nigh on monopolised that bus system. After a tiring MTR journey to Wu Kai Sha, we discovered that we only had minutes until dinner was over. Tara and I pure legged it there but we only managed to smuggle out some toast. I went to the block 4 dayroom, had the absolute bant with Livvie (Daily Mail, Nicki Minaj and squashing cats with 55 stone women), starred in a video for someone's geo project, ordered in pizza with Paloma & Tara and tried to finish this before the midnight internet ban. Clearly failed. S'now 00:18 and I still ain't got the pictures in. Oh well, I'll save it for tomorrow. Night bootiful ppl!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Having the craic, with the efficiency of a Carnot engine.
So the weekend passed, and so did the blog period, but for all of you who were absolutely distraught, fear not, for a physics test has also passed, and I now feel that I can spend my time elsewhere, such as writing this here blog.
Roisssshhh so, as I believe, I left you last Sunday night. On Monday morning I had a free morning block which were well nice then maths, chem, geo & physics which were equally as delightful. After school I went to the post office to send a couple of parcels and a letter, but unforch couldn't afford to send a parcel so one of the presents is gonna be woeful late (late pressies are always the best though in fairness). I then had service planning where we had a project week debrief and discussed the romantic entanglements of a certain danish boy with a certain swiss girl, following which I had photography. After photography I probably just wasted my 3 hours after check in as seems so often to be the case.
Tuesday I woke up with a pain like no other dans ma throat loike, which was dismal, but I tached on and sat through endless school, whereby Dilene thought I was scottish so I made a meme about her in retaliation. Did little after school save for lie in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst Apoorva, Jkwok & Dorte came in to wish me luck, feed me tea and go off to Me & G. Totes jeally so I was.
Wednesday was school uhgain, after which I went on an ubes romantic date with the gaeilgeoir eile atá agam, to go get an ice-cream in Mickey D's. She paid in 10c which may have ruined the woman behind the counter's day. On our way back to school we picked up the Hong Kong Shark Foundation woman, and brought her back to the bubble that is LPC where she explained to a cuppla people what was going on with sharks and what have ya. Basically, shark fin soup is bad. Go sign the petition. I signed up to play Assassin (will explain further down), to dance in Latin American cultural evening and went to vote for the student consultative committee rep for europe. Got to top three, and ngl was a little miffed that I don't get to sit in on bitchy teacher meetings but I guess we can't have it all. After all that kerfuffle I went to celebrate Maddie's 18th birthday with herself and Olivia. That needs little elaboration save to say that I got 2 hours sleep.
Which was followed by 7.30am CALCULUS. I honestly should go to maths sleep-deprived more often. Differentiation is my thaaaaang. After school I hung out in Dilaynay's room attempting to do some chemistry yokes before the art for non artist's yearbook photo. Tar éis é sin I went to the GIF on kinda sustainable fishing and the whole issue of policing the high seas which was fairly interesting (despite the fact that I was abso knackered). I tried to study chem for the test the following day but failed fairly miserably and so instead phoned mammy with the last hour of the interenet before crashing.
I'd intended to wake up early on the friday to make up for missed study time but instead my 6.30 alarm was blatantly ignored and I woke up dishevelled at 8.45 in time for my first class. After my chem test I felt muchos raped in the brain but that feeling comes all too often nowadays. School was followed by peer support training which I'm sure will be beneficial and fun and all that carry on but for now was fairly airy fairy. Or praps it's just me getting increasingly sceptical. At 6 I went avec Undine, Hetzy & Apoorva to Osage, this art gallery in Kwun Tong, ate ALLL the canapés, admired some vidyo of an old man blinking a lot - it was srsly cool. We tried to be all trés sophisticated after our art gallery wanderings but ended up being the noisy kids in the posh restaurant who supposedly cheated them on the happy hour 2 for 1 (per head dontcha know) and then ran away. When I got back to the Wu Kai Sha I went down to meet erryone else on the beach. James and I examined the endless possibilities of phytoplankton on the end of the pier and I put sand in a disgruntled Darren's hair. Daniel's balls were on fire (oh chortle). Upon reaching school I wandered around the day rooms for a little while before giving myself up to bed.
On lá fhéile Pádraig, Áine agus meself went out on a boat from Sai Kung with our adopted irish mammy, Sara, and her aussie friends. Twas absolutely glorious so twas, the works like. We stuffed our faces with good cheese & crackers & smoked salmon & brown bread &....After lunch in a seafood place on some island in the middle of nowhere, we went back to Sai Kung, and then went home with Sara's kids. When I got back it was about 8.30 so I sought Jkwok, found him in the student kitchen and made culinary breakthroughs with our limited range of baking apparatus, including, but not limited to, a teapot cake. We set up camp on the rock with our foodstuffs until about 2am when I headed to bed.
I'd set aside Sunday to hardcore study for physics. Apart from 11-12.30, when I had peer support brunch on the poolside in 28 degree heat, with milkshakes and waffles and all that jazz, and 12.30-1 which was latin american cultural evening's carnival (imma shorten it to LACE, alroish?), and 1-2 which was reggaeton practice for LACE, and then I decided to feck it, and join the girl's football team who were low on numbers. My philosophy, when it comes to sports, is often to make up in aggression what I lack in skill. I guess that's why I'm a swimmer. We lost 1-0 which was quare annoying seeing as it was their penalty. Anyway, they were of the are-they-boys-or-girls variety which makes me feel a little better about myself. Besides, number 8 never stood a chance with a right back like me. I got back at 5, skyped the rentals, totes remembered mother's day, did very little study until 7, went to a Voice talk on typography (slab serif ftw), then went to the block four guest flat where Leiler's rentals are staying for shandy and bangers & mash. Oh joy of almighty joys! At 9 I figured I should probably really do some study so I went to Dilene's room (mine's an unreal state, supporting a whole eco system so I am - NOT REALLY I'M NOT THAT GROSS), made Carnot efficiency do somersaults, and dragged myself to bed.
This morning I woke up full of vigour (trolololol), hopped to my physics test, bollixed up the last question with unrivaled efficiency (1-Tl/Th), but survived the rest of the day regardless, perhaps owing to the fact that I've finally regained my mojo. I also got my first Assassin victim, Rahael, with a piece of chicken in the block 2 laundry room. She was raging. At 2.30 I had a model united nations info session for next week's MUN conference. Delegated my unmoderated caucus like a bloc vote innit. After that session I went to another LACE rehearsal and attempted to do the impossible as a representative of Ireland - attempted to be sexy whilst dancing. Oh stop, I can hear the laughter from 10,000km away. I then went to dinner, set up camp by the pool, had a grand aul chit chat avec my wonderful pengyou MeghanLegganVaughan and got this WRITTEN.
Roisssshhh so, as I believe, I left you last Sunday night. On Monday morning I had a free morning block which were well nice then maths, chem, geo & physics which were equally as delightful. After school I went to the post office to send a couple of parcels and a letter, but unforch couldn't afford to send a parcel so one of the presents is gonna be woeful late (late pressies are always the best though in fairness). I then had service planning where we had a project week debrief and discussed the romantic entanglements of a certain danish boy with a certain swiss girl, following which I had photography. After photography I probably just wasted my 3 hours after check in as seems so often to be the case.
Tuesday I woke up with a pain like no other dans ma throat loike, which was dismal, but I tached on and sat through endless school, whereby Dilene thought I was scottish so I made a meme about her in retaliation. Did little after school save for lie in bed feeling sorry for myself whilst Apoorva, Jkwok & Dorte came in to wish me luck, feed me tea and go off to Me & G. Totes jeally so I was.
Wednesday was school uhgain, after which I went on an ubes romantic date with the gaeilgeoir eile atá agam, to go get an ice-cream in Mickey D's. She paid in 10c which may have ruined the woman behind the counter's day. On our way back to school we picked up the Hong Kong Shark Foundation woman, and brought her back to the bubble that is LPC where she explained to a cuppla people what was going on with sharks and what have ya. Basically, shark fin soup is bad. Go sign the petition. I signed up to play Assassin (will explain further down), to dance in Latin American cultural evening and went to vote for the student consultative committee rep for europe. Got to top three, and ngl was a little miffed that I don't get to sit in on bitchy teacher meetings but I guess we can't have it all. After all that kerfuffle I went to celebrate Maddie's 18th birthday with herself and Olivia. That needs little elaboration save to say that I got 2 hours sleep.
Which was followed by 7.30am CALCULUS. I honestly should go to maths sleep-deprived more often. Differentiation is my thaaaaang. After school I hung out in Dilaynay's room attempting to do some chemistry yokes before the art for non artist's yearbook photo. Tar éis é sin I went to the GIF on kinda sustainable fishing and the whole issue of policing the high seas which was fairly interesting (despite the fact that I was abso knackered). I tried to study chem for the test the following day but failed fairly miserably and so instead phoned mammy with the last hour of the interenet before crashing.
I'd intended to wake up early on the friday to make up for missed study time but instead my 6.30 alarm was blatantly ignored and I woke up dishevelled at 8.45 in time for my first class. After my chem test I felt muchos raped in the brain but that feeling comes all too often nowadays. School was followed by peer support training which I'm sure will be beneficial and fun and all that carry on but for now was fairly airy fairy. Or praps it's just me getting increasingly sceptical. At 6 I went avec Undine, Hetzy & Apoorva to Osage, this art gallery in Kwun Tong, ate ALLL the canapés, admired some vidyo of an old man blinking a lot - it was srsly cool. We tried to be all trés sophisticated after our art gallery wanderings but ended up being the noisy kids in the posh restaurant who supposedly cheated them on the happy hour 2 for 1 (per head dontcha know) and then ran away. When I got back to the Wu Kai Sha I went down to meet erryone else on the beach. James and I examined the endless possibilities of phytoplankton on the end of the pier and I put sand in a disgruntled Darren's hair. Daniel's balls were on fire (oh chortle). Upon reaching school I wandered around the day rooms for a little while before giving myself up to bed.
On lá fhéile Pádraig, Áine agus meself went out on a boat from Sai Kung with our adopted irish mammy, Sara, and her aussie friends. Twas absolutely glorious so twas, the works like. We stuffed our faces with good cheese & crackers & smoked salmon & brown bread &....After lunch in a seafood place on some island in the middle of nowhere, we went back to Sai Kung, and then went home with Sara's kids. When I got back it was about 8.30 so I sought Jkwok, found him in the student kitchen and made culinary breakthroughs with our limited range of baking apparatus, including, but not limited to, a teapot cake. We set up camp on the rock with our foodstuffs until about 2am when I headed to bed.
I'd set aside Sunday to hardcore study for physics. Apart from 11-12.30, when I had peer support brunch on the poolside in 28 degree heat, with milkshakes and waffles and all that jazz, and 12.30-1 which was latin american cultural evening's carnival (imma shorten it to LACE, alroish?), and 1-2 which was reggaeton practice for LACE, and then I decided to feck it, and join the girl's football team who were low on numbers. My philosophy, when it comes to sports, is often to make up in aggression what I lack in skill. I guess that's why I'm a swimmer. We lost 1-0 which was quare annoying seeing as it was their penalty. Anyway, they were of the are-they-boys-or-girls variety which makes me feel a little better about myself. Besides, number 8 never stood a chance with a right back like me. I got back at 5, skyped the rentals, totes remembered mother's day, did very little study until 7, went to a Voice talk on typography (slab serif ftw), then went to the block four guest flat where Leiler's rentals are staying for shandy and bangers & mash. Oh joy of almighty joys! At 9 I figured I should probably really do some study so I went to Dilene's room (mine's an unreal state, supporting a whole eco system so I am - NOT REALLY I'M NOT THAT GROSS), made Carnot efficiency do somersaults, and dragged myself to bed.
This morning I woke up full of vigour (trolololol), hopped to my physics test, bollixed up the last question with unrivaled efficiency (1-Tl/Th), but survived the rest of the day regardless, perhaps owing to the fact that I've finally regained my mojo. I also got my first Assassin victim, Rahael, with a piece of chicken in the block 2 laundry room. She was raging. At 2.30 I had a model united nations info session for next week's MUN conference. Delegated my unmoderated caucus like a bloc vote innit. After that session I went to another LACE rehearsal and attempted to do the impossible as a representative of Ireland - attempted to be sexy whilst dancing. Oh stop, I can hear the laughter from 10,000km away. I then went to dinner, set up camp by the pool, had a grand aul chit chat avec my wonderful pengyou MeghanLegganVaughan and got this WRITTEN.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Hello beautiful girl, I love you. Fish?
So I spent all of Saturday procrastinating packing until about 4, when I actually did pack. We got on the bus at 5 and went to th'airport, with chicken sambos & mango juice from school. One 3 hour flight to Kota Kinabalu later, I'd finished my first book (The Dressmaker of Khair Khana). I left my passport on th'airplane and legged it back on to get it. It only occurred to me afterwards that I could've been shot or summat. The air was hot and sticky like good asian air should be. We got a dodge minibus to our hostel, got as comfy as poss in our dorm and slept.
The next morning we got brekkie and went to the market before a short lesson on symbiotic relationships in a marine environment, including a great impression of a sea cucumber and a silverfish by Selwyn & Khet Kat. We got lunch in KK in a bun place which was divine then packed up for our next flight to Tawau. Air Asia was reliably turbulence-y which is always fun. We got further minibuses to Semporna through plantation land then we all checked in, had a briefing with th'instructors and got our t-shirts, then got poor enough food and a litre or so of mango juice each.
Monday morning we were up at 6.50 to pack our dive bags, grab brekkie and head out to the harbour (which smelled like ____ ). Monday was so unreal rainy that errything got absolutely soaked. The diving was increds though, saw my first turtle which was like PHWOAR and did some buoyancy drills and the likes. When we got back there was a rush to the shower and then we had another marine ID lesson before DINNER which was about a trillion roti in an Indian place. We then crashed in our room but not after I'd read a little of me book, The French Lieutenant's Woman.
Imma cheat a bit now and say that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all followed in the pattern of Monday, although they got progressively sunnier and the diving got progressively better. On Tuesday we went snorkeling on our lunchbreak and saw a barracuda (the one that kills nemo's mam)a bout a metre and a half long, just chilling round the pier. On Wednesday's island we played 1 ringgit (~25c) for a whole hape of coconuts from the locals who shimmied up a tree about 10m tall and threw them down. We drank the coconut water in the toasty sea. It was legit like an advert. Nearly every night we'd get dinner in the roti place, the poor people were run off their feet but it was worth it for the beef fried noodles. Started teaching Nina Gaeilge too. Useful phrases such as "Chuaigh mé go dtí do bhríste aréir agus chuir mé mo lámh ar do phrátaí".
On Thursday my group (Oda, Laura, Nick & Arthur) went to Sipadan (one of the top 10 dive sites in the world REPRESENT). Sun were splitting the stones innit. On our first dive we saw a gazbillion turtles, a shoal of barracuda AND a shoal of jack fish. It was unrale. Sipadan was absolutely gorgeous. Twas a privelege so twas. We went to the market when we got back and got a kilo of lychees for a euro. On Thursday night we went out for dinner courtesy of Linda & Selwyn, although there was a powercut so it ended up a candlelit affair. Some of the nicest seafood I've ever eaten (apart from this one 'Nam...). After that we all went out for more mango juice then Halfdan and I headed back and played a kind of contrived game of pool with Kishi. We all stayed in the guys' room until the early hours when we were so high on nitrogen that we all crashed once more.
We left at lunchtime the following day, after more market crawling and continued exploitation of the roti place. We got a flight back to Kota Kinabalu, then went back to the same hostel. There was a debate on where to head for dinner and after the majority decided on Burger King and I a decided no, I j-walked Dilene around Kota Kinabalu in search of perfect cheap food. Which we found, much to our delight, in a cheap corner chinese. I got ginger and spring onion fish, never have I been so satisfied. We then disobeyed the no less than three in a group rule further and walked down to the seafront, where we spotted a market in the distance. We wandered around it for longer, buying sugary dough lumps and satay, to the heckling cries of men seemingly madly in love with us. It's a hard life. When we got back to the hostel just in time we watched Finding Nemo (as is the tradition) and went to bed, in anticipation of a 3.50am start the following morning.
I woke up to Nina saying's like a shot, I packed, and teeth brushed, and dressed, then waited on the pavement outside. 4.15 came and went, and we then realised that the minibus people had misinterpreted, and were coming at 4.50. I read my book with cockroaches all around - I honestly don't think one can get used to those things. At the airport, Kishi challenged me to finish my book on the aeroplane. I fell asleep instead, and had a super weird dream. We got back to a cold and drizzly HK where we got the hour long bus back to school. Before napping or anything so civilised as that, we had to wash and clean all of our dive gear. Not, however, until Dilene and Halfdan had chucked me, fully clothed, in the freezing pool. Why do I always seem to invite this? One of the great mysteries of life. I was then locked out for the rest of the day (I should really get myself a key) so I hung out with various people and in the block 1 pc room, doing very little but playing bubble shooter. I went out with Mia to get some food in Wellcome but c'est tout. I went to Maddie's room where I found Livvie & Tiff Tiff...and played more bubble shooter.
Woke up this morning at about 9 ish, got out of bed about 10.30 ish, had a shower and went to brunch then vaguely tidied up, went to Apoopoo's room to write me some letters, watched The Boat that Rocked, got the feeling that our lives are inferior to those of the 60's, went to dindins, caught up with Awnee (waaaaaay Paddy's day next weekend) then went back to Apoorva's where I skyped SOPHIE BBZ, before chillaxing with Blendermie, James, Blendermie's couch and Blendermie's PIMPIN' speakers. They flash. Directly imported from the Thai/Burmese border. Went to check in, back to Bell's and now dans ma chambre after skyping mo mham.
(Photo creds to Oda & Nick as I lost my camera halfway through the week and got it back with drunken photos of the instructors on it)
The next morning we got brekkie and went to the market before a short lesson on symbiotic relationships in a marine environment, including a great impression of a sea cucumber and a silverfish by Selwyn & Khet Kat. We got lunch in KK in a bun place which was divine then packed up for our next flight to Tawau. Air Asia was reliably turbulence-y which is always fun. We got further minibuses to Semporna through plantation land then we all checked in, had a briefing with th'instructors and got our t-shirts, then got poor enough food and a litre or so of mango juice each.
Monday morning we were up at 6.50 to pack our dive bags, grab brekkie and head out to the harbour (which smelled like ____ ). Monday was so unreal rainy that errything got absolutely soaked. The diving was increds though, saw my first turtle which was like PHWOAR and did some buoyancy drills and the likes. When we got back there was a rush to the shower and then we had another marine ID lesson before DINNER which was about a trillion roti in an Indian place. We then crashed in our room but not after I'd read a little of me book, The French Lieutenant's Woman.
Imma cheat a bit now and say that Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all followed in the pattern of Monday, although they got progressively sunnier and the diving got progressively better. On Tuesday we went snorkeling on our lunchbreak and saw a barracuda (the one that kills nemo's mam)a bout a metre and a half long, just chilling round the pier. On Wednesday's island we played 1 ringgit (~25c) for a whole hape of coconuts from the locals who shimmied up a tree about 10m tall and threw them down. We drank the coconut water in the toasty sea. It was legit like an advert. Nearly every night we'd get dinner in the roti place, the poor people were run off their feet but it was worth it for the beef fried noodles. Started teaching Nina Gaeilge too. Useful phrases such as "Chuaigh mé go dtí do bhríste aréir agus chuir mé mo lámh ar do phrátaí".
On Thursday my group (Oda, Laura, Nick & Arthur) went to Sipadan (one of the top 10 dive sites in the world REPRESENT). Sun were splitting the stones innit. On our first dive we saw a gazbillion turtles, a shoal of barracuda AND a shoal of jack fish. It was unrale. Sipadan was absolutely gorgeous. Twas a privelege so twas. We went to the market when we got back and got a kilo of lychees for a euro. On Thursday night we went out for dinner courtesy of Linda & Selwyn, although there was a powercut so it ended up a candlelit affair. Some of the nicest seafood I've ever eaten (apart from this one 'Nam...). After that we all went out for more mango juice then Halfdan and I headed back and played a kind of contrived game of pool with Kishi. We all stayed in the guys' room until the early hours when we were so high on nitrogen that we all crashed once more.
We left at lunchtime the following day, after more market crawling and continued exploitation of the roti place. We got a flight back to Kota Kinabalu, then went back to the same hostel. There was a debate on where to head for dinner and after the majority decided on Burger King and I a decided no, I j-walked Dilene around Kota Kinabalu in search of perfect cheap food. Which we found, much to our delight, in a cheap corner chinese. I got ginger and spring onion fish, never have I been so satisfied. We then disobeyed the no less than three in a group rule further and walked down to the seafront, where we spotted a market in the distance. We wandered around it for longer, buying sugary dough lumps and satay, to the heckling cries of men seemingly madly in love with us. It's a hard life. When we got back to the hostel just in time we watched Finding Nemo (as is the tradition) and went to bed, in anticipation of a 3.50am start the following morning.
I woke up to Nina saying's like a shot, I packed, and teeth brushed, and dressed, then waited on the pavement outside. 4.15 came and went, and we then realised that the minibus people had misinterpreted, and were coming at 4.50. I read my book with cockroaches all around - I honestly don't think one can get used to those things. At the airport, Kishi challenged me to finish my book on the aeroplane. I fell asleep instead, and had a super weird dream. We got back to a cold and drizzly HK where we got the hour long bus back to school. Before napping or anything so civilised as that, we had to wash and clean all of our dive gear. Not, however, until Dilene and Halfdan had chucked me, fully clothed, in the freezing pool. Why do I always seem to invite this? One of the great mysteries of life. I was then locked out for the rest of the day (I should really get myself a key) so I hung out with various people and in the block 1 pc room, doing very little but playing bubble shooter. I went out with Mia to get some food in Wellcome but c'est tout. I went to Maddie's room where I found Livvie & Tiff Tiff...and played more bubble shooter.
Woke up this morning at about 9 ish, got out of bed about 10.30 ish, had a shower and went to brunch then vaguely tidied up, went to Apoopoo's room to write me some letters, watched The Boat that Rocked, got the feeling that our lives are inferior to those of the 60's, went to dindins, caught up with Awnee (waaaaaay Paddy's day next weekend) then went back to Apoorva's where I skyped SOPHIE BBZ, before chillaxing with Blendermie, James, Blendermie's couch and Blendermie's PIMPIN' speakers. They flash. Directly imported from the Thai/Burmese border. Went to check in, back to Bell's and now dans ma chambre after skyping mo mham.
(Photo creds to Oda & Nick as I lost my camera halfway through the week and got it back with drunken photos of the instructors on it)
Saturday, 3 March 2012
We're going where the sun shines brightly, we're going where the sea is blue!
Today's post is a wee bit earlier than usual for reasons I shall outline below, but sure it gives ya th'entire weekend to read it, wha?
Sunday last, after I left off on me blog in the morning time, I tried to chase people to come to Sai Kung with me and eventually settled for Laura. We set off at about 2/3, stalked Starbucks until a seat was free, pretended that the coffees left behind were ours so we didn't have to pay, and set up camp. I did a chem lab, Laura napped ("Wake me up after 20 minutes"...20 minutes...10 minutes....5 minutes....15 minutes...40 minutes...eventually a grand total of 2 hours), and we bumped into Lilia who'd had the same idea. After Laura had managed to wake up and do a bit of study for bio, we bought a venti ass hot choc (to share ofc), got pizza in Paisano's and cught the bus back for about 7. I followed Laura back to her room then we went to a meeting at 8 about the "Financial Situation" of our school. €1m in debt next year but that's cool. Positive outlook to be upheld and the likes. Matthew had the beautiful solution of sending Arnett to Macau to gamble with the entire endowment fund. At 9.15 I went to get me photo taken for the lion dance page of the yearbook, then went back to Laura's room to pick up my laptop and that. Ended up staying late as boarding school shenanigans often dictate.
On Monday my geography class was called off cause we'd donated our Saturday to geo, and then I got an e-mail to say that my physics class was off too. Unexpected double morning free feeling is hard to quantify. After schoolicles on Monday I had project week planning, we went through gear and that and got generally hyped up, then dinner, then a photoshoot for the Judo yearbook page at 7.30, which was pretty funny. On Monday night Leila came round begging for more clothes because as part of a Lenten Brit challenge she'd agreed to wear Rosie's clothes. Rosie had provided her with an assortment of granny curtains so Leila was in desperate need of some shorts. She stole mine and an impressive chase began whereby we ended up in a toilet cubicle in block 3, me nursing Leila's severely bashed head and both us us semi laughing, semi in hysterics from all the adrenalin.
Tuesday had school which was meh, I had a science project meeting thing after, then went back to work on a physics lab. I got it done beautifully, saving and all as I went along when excel decided to go all spazattack and crash the laptop. Went and had a severe mope in Áine's room, where I found her in a severe mope, so we curled up in bed, moped, and ate chocolate of the parcel from home variety. Twas uber productive. Starred in a video made by Heather (I'm at 01.18), and did my physics lab all night.
Wednesday had a free morning block so I took my time getting up. Aprés l'ecole, I played too much Tetris in my room, then went to Sai Kung to pick up snorkels for project week and also to go to Sara's house. I read with Erin for about an hour, had dinner which was stew and mershed perderder. Got back to school for 9 this time, then hardcore crammed math but not really but that was the intention. I went to Dilene's room to do a wickle bit of study and she gave me a life saving diagram and I reckoned I was set for life.
Thursday had that darned maths test. Everyone always comes out of maths a little shaken, almost as though we've all overexerted our mental capacity. I quite like the feeling, although it didn't outweigh the sense of impending doom as it usually does. Meh, those results can wait. After school on Thursday we had science project presentations which were pretty interesting I shpose? Our theme was sustainable campus so we had to do experiments in a group yadda yadda. Tar éis é sin I went out with Jámes for a little while which was *american accent* "quuuuaaaaaaaare graaaaaaaaand" so twas. Nowt beats a few sour cream n onion pringles. Then came roomie photo time for the yearbook. We all wore black, painted our faces and skipped down the road/sat on walls/hid in trees. After that I went to Ma On Shan to get some money out with Khetiwe who I bumped into in the MTR station. I lost Khet in the vast metropolis that is Sunshine City but bumped into Madison & Tiff, so I bought some mango gunk from the Hui Lau Shan place with them then came back to campus. Spent the night doing my geo essay, with as much procrastination as was possible. Even had the smelly candles out.
On Friday school could not be over quick enough. After school I was locked out of my room so I went to Rahael's room to get her to come swimming because from a (horrific) 13 degrees, it had gone up to summat in the 20s. The pool was absolutely freeeeezingbum but we eventually enticed a whole cohort of bikini clad minions to join us. I skyped the rentals from the poolside then went to Paloma's birthday celebrations in the sick bay the poor poppet. We had cake and then choccy fondue and tested people's knowledge of Genghis Khan and capital cities of balkan states. After that I went back to my room, set up me music and Rahael came round and we painted our nails le chéile. At 7.30 we went to have dinner in the student kitchen with Laura, Mia, Heather, Rosie & Lee. I went back to Lee's room to pick up some cinnamon and woke James up with a sharp blast of a weird bulbous wooden recorder. At 9 we hit Ma On Shan, played with the phytoplankton in the sea, and got extremely mucky flip flops. Somehow this group outing deteriorated into a mini brit sing a long session, needless to say Adele had want to watch her back. I got back to bed, threw on some Damien Rice cause I'm home alone in the room, and read meself to sleep as all lazy days should end.
Woke up this morning at 9 thanks to a phone alarm locked in a drawer somewhere in the room, and wrote this blog to Bell X1. Going shopping with Mia soon for last minute necessities (can't believe I spelled that right first go) then at 5 I'm going TO MALAYSIA TO GO SCUBA DIVING FOR A WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. Grá as an tSín!
Sunday last, after I left off on me blog in the morning time, I tried to chase people to come to Sai Kung with me and eventually settled for Laura. We set off at about 2/3, stalked Starbucks until a seat was free, pretended that the coffees left behind were ours so we didn't have to pay, and set up camp. I did a chem lab, Laura napped ("Wake me up after 20 minutes"...20 minutes...10 minutes....5 minutes....15 minutes...40 minutes...eventually a grand total of 2 hours), and we bumped into Lilia who'd had the same idea. After Laura had managed to wake up and do a bit of study for bio, we bought a venti ass hot choc (to share ofc), got pizza in Paisano's and cught the bus back for about 7. I followed Laura back to her room then we went to a meeting at 8 about the "Financial Situation" of our school. €1m in debt next year but that's cool. Positive outlook to be upheld and the likes. Matthew had the beautiful solution of sending Arnett to Macau to gamble with the entire endowment fund. At 9.15 I went to get me photo taken for the lion dance page of the yearbook, then went back to Laura's room to pick up my laptop and that. Ended up staying late as boarding school shenanigans often dictate.
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Nina being subjected to aforementioned boarding school shenanigans |
On Monday my geography class was called off cause we'd donated our Saturday to geo, and then I got an e-mail to say that my physics class was off too. Unexpected double morning free feeling is hard to quantify. After schoolicles on Monday I had project week planning, we went through gear and that and got generally hyped up, then dinner, then a photoshoot for the Judo yearbook page at 7.30, which was pretty funny. On Monday night Leila came round begging for more clothes because as part of a Lenten Brit challenge she'd agreed to wear Rosie's clothes. Rosie had provided her with an assortment of granny curtains so Leila was in desperate need of some shorts. She stole mine and an impressive chase began whereby we ended up in a toilet cubicle in block 3, me nursing Leila's severely bashed head and both us us semi laughing, semi in hysterics from all the adrenalin.
Tuesday had school which was meh, I had a science project meeting thing after, then went back to work on a physics lab. I got it done beautifully, saving and all as I went along when excel decided to go all spazattack and crash the laptop. Went and had a severe mope in Áine's room, where I found her in a severe mope, so we curled up in bed, moped, and ate chocolate of the parcel from home variety. Twas uber productive. Starred in a video made by Heather (I'm at 01.18), and did my physics lab all night.
Wednesday had a free morning block so I took my time getting up. Aprés l'ecole, I played too much Tetris in my room, then went to Sai Kung to pick up snorkels for project week and also to go to Sara's house. I read with Erin for about an hour, had dinner which was stew and mershed perderder. Got back to school for 9 this time, then hardcore crammed math but not really but that was the intention. I went to Dilene's room to do a wickle bit of study and she gave me a life saving diagram and I reckoned I was set for life.
Thursday had that darned maths test. Everyone always comes out of maths a little shaken, almost as though we've all overexerted our mental capacity. I quite like the feeling, although it didn't outweigh the sense of impending doom as it usually does. Meh, those results can wait. After school on Thursday we had science project presentations which were pretty interesting I shpose? Our theme was sustainable campus so we had to do experiments in a group yadda yadda. Tar éis é sin I went out with Jámes for a little while which was *american accent* "quuuuaaaaaaaare graaaaaaaaand" so twas. Nowt beats a few sour cream n onion pringles. Then came roomie photo time for the yearbook. We all wore black, painted our faces and skipped down the road/sat on walls/hid in trees. After that I went to Ma On Shan to get some money out with Khetiwe who I bumped into in the MTR station. I lost Khet in the vast metropolis that is Sunshine City but bumped into Madison & Tiff, so I bought some mango gunk from the Hui Lau Shan place with them then came back to campus. Spent the night doing my geo essay, with as much procrastination as was possible. Even had the smelly candles out.
On Friday school could not be over quick enough. After school I was locked out of my room so I went to Rahael's room to get her to come swimming because from a (horrific) 13 degrees, it had gone up to summat in the 20s. The pool was absolutely freeeeezingbum but we eventually enticed a whole cohort of bikini clad minions to join us. I skyped the rentals from the poolside then went to Paloma's birthday celebrations in the sick bay the poor poppet. We had cake and then choccy fondue and tested people's knowledge of Genghis Khan and capital cities of balkan states. After that I went back to my room, set up me music and Rahael came round and we painted our nails le chéile. At 7.30 we went to have dinner in the student kitchen with Laura, Mia, Heather, Rosie & Lee. I went back to Lee's room to pick up some cinnamon and woke James up with a sharp blast of a weird bulbous wooden recorder. At 9 we hit Ma On Shan, played with the phytoplankton in the sea, and got extremely mucky flip flops. Somehow this group outing deteriorated into a mini brit sing a long session, needless to say Adele had want to watch her back. I got back to bed, threw on some Damien Rice cause I'm home alone in the room, and read meself to sleep as all lazy days should end.
Woke up this morning at 9 thanks to a phone alarm locked in a drawer somewhere in the room, and wrote this blog to Bell X1. Going shopping with Mia soon for last minute necessities (can't believe I spelled that right first go) then at 5 I'm going TO MALAYSIA TO GO SCUBA DIVING FOR A WHOLE ENTIRE WEEK. Grá as an tSín!
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