A Day In The Life Of a Competitive Swimmer
Yeah, I'm one of those. Those being people who get up when you're going to sleep to go and do two hours of strenuous exercise, sechsmal in der Woche. It's not too infrequently that I get asked "How do you do it? Where do you find the motivation? You go to bed at WHAT time?! Is it hard to get up? Do you get used to it??" etc., etc. Well, here's my secret.
Yours truly |
(4.45AM: Woken up by a flurry of bluebirds, deer and various other cute woodland creatures. Catch sight of myself in the mirror. My, I look ravishing. Must be because I went to bed at 7pm the night before.
5.00AM: After pulling on my gown and painting my toenails, I float downstairs towards the smell of warm porridge - those shnakey bluebirds have been up since 3! What are they like, eh?
packed since the night before (I like
to be organized) and I've even bought
nice shampoo and filled my water
bottle with Robinsons - summer fruits,
what else?

5.25AM Arrive at the pool. Usually
we'll play on the slides for the
duration of the session, pausing
occasionally for a dip in the jacuzzi.
Now and again Ill play water polo
with my chums.)*
*Dramatization, courtesy of the bluebirds.
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