Sunday, 12 February 2012

I was spoonfed chocolate icing 66 times.

After the posting of the last blog, and after dinner, the british troops were rounded up, and although we seemed to have suffered a good few casualties, Bellamy, Paloma and I congregated in Bellamy's room (and on Bellamy's remote control extendy couch) for intense scrabble accompanied by korean seaweed, jelly beans, crisps and mandarins. We ended up with some questionable words (paté for example) and by the time Bellamy had a spread of RRRSSST we were helping each other out quite a bit. That said, I still won by 5. I missed judo but skyped the rentals which were nice. Another quite nice incident was that out of my 4 Monday classes, two were cancelled.

Monday morning started splendidly. Instead of the usual 8.55 class-at-9 throw on tracky bumbums and leg it routine, I decided to be civilised and have a shower (shock horror) and even had time for brekkie before physics. After chinese, I went to the post office, sent off mammy's birthday present and a few postkarten. At 2.30 I had a stress management session. Arthur left our group lying in a weird massage circle in the library classroom where we all fell asleep. It felt pretty beneficial. Following this was service planning for coral monitoring. Twas also Wendy's (me tutor) birthday, so I signed her card and balloon. We talked a bit about project week yayayay and then worked on our projects (I'm helping out with the website innit). Photography was at 7.30, le theme was "Meh" and me submission is down below. Monday I had no lion dance fitness but I can't quite remember what I did in the meantime.

Tuesday morning was a repeat of monday's, and again I only had 2 classes out of 5 because of the woeful bout of flu going around campus. Only had chemistry and physics. After school I watched lots and lots of Khan Academy videos to prepare for chem test as well as blasting the aul summerjam for a good dose of sentimentality. At about 2, I went to Sai Kung with the roomies which was beaut. We went to Paisano's, got mega pizza, then went to for honeymoon dessert before stopping outside subway (2 for 1 on Tuesdays!) but unforch the bus arrived before we reached the top of the queue (that's a line if you're James). I went to a university talk too, it was painful and kind of made me never want to go to a university ever. I was trying to think of how feasible it would be to just travel the world forever. The only things they really promoted was how to get a lawyer for a boyfriend, and how it was close to Harrods for shopping (LOL jk you're a student).

Wednesday was again a repeat of Monday agus Tuesday, with only two classes/5. I got a parcel from the wonderful ginge in my life and ate the food inside in record times. She sent me a cringey ass letter too which was strange seeing as she has the emotional range of a teaspoon, bless. I discovered at break time that our physics test was not the next day as I'd believed, and that it was actually on the following Thursday. Kinda made my day, ngl. After school, and the procrastination of 1.5 hours (probably of Tetris) we had block activity, which was a cake making competition. Wendy was hella competitive which was lolsome. We made a cheesecake and a carrot cake and I had carrot wars with Maiya (Wendy's resident toddler). Ray and Bheki went flower picking and whilst the cakes were cooking we played ar an xbox. For some ridiculous reason we were playing that dance yokey for xbox kinect. Gotta say, I got 3.5/5 stars for a hard version of Pon De Replay. At 6 we went to the canteen, got dinner and sussed out the competition. After some intense deliberation on behalf of the teachers, Kalpana's group won overall, with their uncooked philadelphia in a tray with some oreos and jam on top. We won on the taste aspect though, which is arguably the most important. I also walked away with half an entire carrot cake, the majority of which I ate, contrary to my MUST GO ON DIET FOR PROJECT WEEK mentality. After the cake comp, there was supposed to be a mass movie watching in the library classroom and although there were only about 3 people there and James & Rahael ditched after two minutes, we watched Catch Me If You Can which is always a good'un, although at the part when he's making the airline cheques with the toy planes I realised I'd seen it before.

Thursday I had 3/5 classes (you'd swear I never went to school), sent a few more postcards and another cúpla parcels before locking myself in the library. Unfortunately I'd recieved a parcel meself from the mudder and I ended up devouring all its contents whilst polishing off 2x physics lab, 1x chemistry lab and studying for chemistry. After block meeting at 9 I went to study more chemistry with Ilham & Khetiwe in block 4. This chemistry studying eventually destroyed me, and I found myself in the block 3 dayroom at about 1.30am telling sexist jokes and being spoon-fed chocolate icing by Jason and eating Tomi & Paula's sympathy oreos. 

Friday morning I got up at 5, had a shower, studied chemistry then went to chemistry class and point blank failed the test, before a geo test which was graaaaaand, wrote two pages on population & millenium development goals so felt pretty good about that. Was absolutely shattered for the rest of the day (understandably) and when I went back to my room for a quick nap at 2, I was rather surprised to wake up at 6.30. A little disorientated, I quickly e-mailed some people to help me make a promo video for café, filmed said people in the courtyard then had band rehearsal of the jazz variety. Twas ubes successful cause I actually had an amp this week. Apres ça, I turned my dodgy footage into a state of the art short film, which may or may not have involved googling "sad violin music". Friday night was brit night, all us regulars were there in Laura's room apart from Áine, who was getting intimate with her bio book, and Matthew, who was asleep. We played expletive scrabble, listened to SClub and I dressed up as a nativity play shepherd, complete with a hoover as a crook. There was also some really dodgy truth and dare which poor Rowan (brit 3rd year) had to endure over skype.

Saturday morning I got up at 9, had a shower, went to lion dance and found it was absolutely deserted, so I bumped into Leila and helped her clean up the student common room a little more before going to the gym. Totes getting on track with my LOSE WEIGHT FOR PROJECT WEEK plan. Boy, does running suck though. They're filling up the pool again so that'll be nice. Tar éis é sin I had another shower then got dressed to go out with mum's friend's friend who lives down the road from me here. We drove way out past Sai Kung and got lunch overlooking sparkly sea and that, it's funny to be reminded that HK is 95% national park. We popped in to see a friend who was leaving for Singapore the next day and it was a little awks to be amongst a leaving party for a woman who I didn't know with a load of women I didn't know. I mumbled out a feeble "I'm a daughter of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend..." and helped myself to a cupcake. Before I was dropped off to school I met the extended family and was invited for dinner next Tuesday which'll be luffly. May bring Nawnee too. I got back on campus at 5.45, where Anna was waiting for the others (including me) to go to the Vaccines. I ran back to my room, changed me shoes and waited with Anna until Jason arrived and upon learning that Paolina was stuck in China with our tickets and that Olivia still wasn't quote dressed, we headed to Kowloon Bay where we met Undine and waited for t'others. When they finally arrived we'd drained the 7/11 we were sitting outside of all its stock. To begin with, the concert was hideously awks. We went into a small cinema theatre and were led to our seats. With horrified faces we thankfully discovered that we could stand at the front of the "cinema". The first band were horrendous, with lyrics like "I SAW TWO GIANTS ON A DINOSAURRRRRRR" and "I WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTENING 66 TIMES AND I'M STARTING TO LIKE IT", the whole shabang. The Vaccines were mint though. Js. There were a couple of girls behind us like OMGHETOTALLYLOOKEDATMEOMGEYECONTACTBESTGIGEVEEEEERRRR, and another few who had deployed pointy elbows the likes of which have never before been seen. In fairness though, the singer man totes did make eye contact. There was also someone with the coolest denim jacket (see photo). Afterwards I was a bit of a sell out and bought the poster. And the t-shirt. But I'll keep it confined to pyjama top status. We got totally lost on the way back, whilst arguing about who was the most attractive, but arrived at the general consensus that it went in order of drummer (just cause), then guitarist (which I disagreed with with a passion because he was one of those "I'm not saying that you're not fit, you're fit but my gosh don't you know it" types), then singer (who was my second best) then bassist (poor kid looked like a 10 year old girl). By the time we'd reached this conclusion however, we were wandering far from the beaten track. We found a taxi and did the 6-in-a-taxi trick of having the smallest in the back footwell and watching the reaction when 6 people climb out (it generally goes like :O NO 6 NO 6!). We got back to school about 1 dans la matin and I read a bit of my Sherlock book that I got off the ginge before a nice long sleep.

So aye, woke up at 11, grabbed shower then brunch (THAI FISHCAKES NOMNOM), vowed with diving buddy Khet to LOSE WEIGHT BEFORE PROJECT WEEK, realised that I had nutella in my room and knew this vow was not going to last, and started writing this yoke. At 3 I went off to teach next year's prospective students some lion dance because today is this challenge day yoke where we basically humiliate them in order to choose who gets in. At 4 I watched the perfomance of awkwardness, poor local kids doing some intense belly dance to say the least. It was, as Verity pointed out, quite sadistic to be getting quite so much entertainment from humiliating people (as she sipped her coke from her front row seat). After all that I am now back in the comfort and saftey of my corner, with my sellout groupie t-shirt on.

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