I recks I left off with me potentially watching Skins with Jason. Somehow, we did end up watching the first three episodes - all in different locations around campus. We watched the beginning of Franky's episode but she's just so infuriating that we couldn't bear to watch any more. And saw an absolutely MEGA spider.
On Sunday morning I set off with Halfdan & Maxim for some WWF volunteering mayokey in the basement of th'absolute back arse of nowhere in Whampoa. We really didn't do much at awl at awl, save occasionally dress up as pandas and sign petitions not to eat shark fin soup (don't do it y'all). We got lunch in this chinese fast food place - I don't mean no Mickey D's now. €2.50 for a mega beef stir fry yoke. After squashing into the panda suit for a couple more hours and taking photos with a billion people who think you speak cantonese we headed home at about 4 (ish) and got back onto campus around 6. No clue whatsoever what I did on Sunday evening. I like to think it involves studying. Oh! It does. I spent a while dans the bibliotheque.
On Monday I had my last day 1. Physics first block, and save from that not much to report. Actually had a mega dictation in Chinese but it went alright. At break we took photos in our WE ARE BAGHDAD t-shirts. Pretty legit really, I'm building up quite the collection of oversized pyjama shirts. On Monday afternoon I were with Paloma in the common room, skyping with le daddykins, then made a few pinhole cameras to the beautiful sound of "Hot Problems" followed by pizza with the coral monitors in the common room. Think I spent Monday night working(ish) in the block 1 computer room.
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Ar an Máirt bhí lá uimhir a dó agam. Chem first block. We did a lab. It was vile. In fact, day 2 generally always is vile. Tar éis an scoil, I went for a wonderful aul swim with Mia - despite the soopah cloudy weather it was pleasantly warm.
Wednesday was my last morning free of the year. Twas a grand aul day, with Khan Academy and Memrise.com binges interspersed with a trip to Ma On Shan with Áine for fro-yo and summat from the bakery. We walked back cause it's almost sacrilege not to by now. Went back to me hardcore study and made my procrastination productive by spending my time on College Prowler and putting myself off unis in the US. I caught Eoin on his half day back home so we had our regular Wednesday chat and showed each other morto pictures of each other. I feel it might be pushing the line to post one here - though I'm tempted. I think I'm more worried he'll retaliate with the ones of me that don't deserve to ever see the light of day.
Fursdaaay turned into a musical after maths class, with myself and KhetKatAttack (I try saying this errytime cause it sounds cool but it never really works so I have to stick to Khetkat) skipping to chemistry singing "IT'S THE FIIIINAL CHEM CLASS doo doo doo doo do do doo doo dooooo" (repeat). After school I watched an episode of Shkins, did some more mando and then went to tutor Charlie which was great. We talked about the most ridiculous things, though a large chunk was on the anatomy of jellyfish and how likely her flat was to suffer at the hand of a natural disaster. I got back to school to find that I'd missed dessert night and so was a little emotionally unbalanced which led me to staring blankly at the art room wall mouthing songs to myself whilst Paula, Leila and Mia got concerned to the point of freaked out/annoyed. I went to bed relatively early on Thursday after ordering McDonalds, and Jkwok was sposed to come over to watch Skins. Child bitched out.
Friday was my last day of classes for this year. Nammuch cray cray shizzle happened, save Jason letting us out of mando early after a rapage of a dictation. I watched a coupla episodes of Skins then had peer support training from 2:30 until 5:30. I left there at about 6, after leaving a meeting on how we should monitor the stalking of the 0 years. At 7 I went to lion dance with Beata and, when no one showed up, went back to my room. Did a little more mando practice then went back to Lion at 8 and beat up James. Left there, then Jason came over, we watched 2 episodes of Skins, went to Wellcome, bought grape soda, C+, crisps, mars bars, ice-cream, inshtant nudeln and then watched the other two (all the while yelling abuse at Franky for being such an annoying tool). We also agreed to go to Peru together after graduation next year. They deffs are not ready for our jelly.
This morning I got up again for Lion Dance, and left when not enough people showed up. I called Sara on the dayroom phone then at 11:30 met Áine at the gate to go to Sai Kung. We got to Sara's house, met her friend Ivan (the perhaps stretched link between me & Sara: Me -> Mum -> Ivan -> Sara) then went out for lunch at the country club place which was beaut. Got back at about 4:30, then wrote this and did a little more mando. 'Bout to go to dinner, slán leat!