Saturday, 21 April 2012

The Geriatric Bassist

Chewsday morning I had my English FOA. Further Oral Activity (somehow not a euphemism). Did it on . We watched this video in chem and then I collected a food parcel from the office, containing wonderous treats from the homeland. After that I had a meeting with a few peeps which became a DMC with Khetkat and handfuls of Cadbury mini eggs. At 4 ish I had a shower and then at 5 I went to tutoring, which was pretty fun again - though Charlie's still damn scared about boarding school. We played a card game based on stockbroking. It was intense - I was rubbish. After tutoring I thinks I came back, superglued my bass-induced blisters (it legit works) and had band practish, then check in, after which I popped round to Wendy's flat for choccie, tea and a good aul chinwag, to the entertaining background noise of Brian playing Fifa on xbox live - expletives in abundance.

On Wednesday I had school and that, got a letter and a postcard or too, replied to the letter in Chinese class and then walked to Lee On to send a parcel to the siblingly unit and said letter. I also did a quick toiletries shop and managed to bag myself 4 free bottles of OJ and some sweets. Upon my return I positively did not do my physics lab, had another band practice sesho and avoided dinner. After check in I had a meeting with Peter and John Wang faoin being leader of photgraphy next year with Palomo, which developed into yet another DMC with Palomo, until she persuaded me to up and go do my physics lab. I did it in the block 1 pc room, as that is where the fun's naturally always at. No srsly. I got back to me room pretty late but it was DONE.

Ish. I kinda had to finish it during brekkie on Thursday but sure. After last block english I think I pissed around until 4:30 (I really must've done something productive, it's woeful to have to think back over all the hours I appear to have done nowt), when I again had practish, until about 6. I stayed behind for a while though to get to grips with the fact we'd just added a whole 'nother song to our repertoire. Dinner was toast again (oh joy), then more practice, and more again, then getting changed out of me day's clothes, into other clothes and repeat, until I'm back in the clothes I had been wearing anyway. It's a long established routine. At 9 I met Andres @ the gate and was met first by Tomi, then Arshia, Adam and Mr Buttril. He plays the embarrassing dad role overly well. I loved it. I think around this time we (Adam's dad) named the band "Hate Crime Fanclub". I really quite like it. We got the bus to central, went to notre venue, freaked out over a) guy playing guitar left handed and b) note the singular form of the word guitar. Soon after we were there a whole host of girls busted out of the door, and despite my lack of surprise (ta to Paolina), it was purdy nice to have them all thurr. Once we had finally managed to get hold of another guitar by means of Adam's siblingly units and replaced the generic Filipino cover band, this generic multinational cover band went up for soundcheck. Here is where I had my minor shit attack. Now I may be in standard math, but that bass had one more string than experience had led me to expect. Armed with this foreign instrument I did my best, though once or twice all of the strings seemed to become a million. It all seemed to go alroish, the best bit being Áine's appearance (and wonderbra). Snow always sounds good too. When leaving at around 12 ish, I got a few handshakes from the successful attractive types that one occasionally finds lurking in HK accompanied by "You're the bass player?". The "CHDUH I am" feelings I attempted to hide, and prolly failed miserably. We all went on to La Bodaaaaaaaygaaaaaaah and China Bar for a little while before coming back in a plethora of taxis. Once I was back I flicked through me chem notes in anticipation of Friday's test.

On Friday I had a free morning block so twas post-Lan Kwai shower time, then tok, whereby a disgruntled Kalpana read out her e-mails and shouted a bit, then another free when I crammed my chem by the syllabus-load. Then came the chem test. The lump in my throat then is too large to quantify. I think it's better summed up by my behaviour in geo. Motionless staring forward. Julie seemed to know to avoid engaging me too much. I got back to me room and skyped Daddt then at 2:30 I had peer support training until 5:30, after which I ranted with Khetkat, got worked up, and released this frustration in a way not too dissimilar to those facebook likes which go something like "sitting in the corner of your room stuffing your face and listening to Adele". Though in my case it was my bed, home-sent Lindt and the Magic Numbers. Once I'd cleaned myself up I marched to Paloma's room and demanded we go shopping. We left for Mong Kok at 6ish, and after some crazy crazy hours of trawling through the wondrous Mee & Gees off the ladies market, a gawjus and unreal cheap sushi dinner, and some new adjectives such as "zingtastic" (though that was one of the worse ones and I can't think of our others), and rakes and rakes of stripy blouses, we got back at 11:30. Aaaand signed in as 10:52 as we'd neglected to sign for extensions. It was a most pleasant evening. We had a trial of the clothes in my room, as should always be the custom after any shopping trip, and though I had to give one of me tops to Palomo cause it was too small it probs looked better on her anyway. And I was mega proud of my dodge granny dress. (MUM: Be afraid, be very afraid). I was with Paolina & Laci in the block 3 dayroom looking at the photos from Thursday, and our favourite hungarian told me of his plans to go learn irish during the summer. Legend.

Saturday I woke up at 10, and by 11 was at the gate to go on the junk boat. Despite going the shorter way to TST, myself, Christine, Michi & Halfdan ended up at the ferry terminal to China and not exactly at the Star Ferry pier. Through no fault of my own, might I add. We eventually found the right pier and set off through Victoria harbour and mega buildings to the (Brian Cox voice) vast and expansive sea. There were a bajillion jellyfish chilling around, though this didn't put us off jumping off the top of the boat numerous times and trying out various acrobatic techniques on the ringbuoys. Despite the speakers blowing at one point, the craic was had, even though they made me do some contrived stand up to make up for the lack of entertainment. The thunder and lightening of the past week faded away for us to reveal beaut skies, yet I didn't even get too burnt. Heather got married to Apoorva and Peter told ... sensitive... stories. We got back to TST at about 6ish I think, then went to Chungking for gorgeous food in the Khyber Pass place after negotiating our way through the lift system and the strange underworld that is Chungking itself. After dindins we came back to campus, I had a shower and threw on me granny dress again, wrote this and bought me some Jack White, Sallie Ford and Princess Chelsea on the iTunes. I'm planning to watch Misfits/Skins with Jason, but it's a plan of mine and Jason's so it's perhaps unlikely. Though with the promise of an irish easter egg it's only a matter of time. 

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