Friday 8 July 2011

I was once one of those people who didn't like tea.

*Cue shock horror and the likes* 

I suppose everyone was at some stage, but I was at a time in my life when it was deemed socially unacceptable. Looking back on my past, I think this may have been because my first exposure to tea was at the tender age of 12.

Picture the scene: You've been hiking all day, in the tail end of a hurricane, somewhere in Connemara. You're soaked to the bone, as is all your gear. You reach a base, and someone whispers the word tea. It catches like wild fire, and a chant starts up; cold, wet skeletons of people gagging for the stuff, dancing in some kind of a voodoo circle. You can see the attraction, it sounds like an ethereal wonderjuice.

The goblet (plastic beaker) is passed from mouth to mouth. It reaches you, and, gazing into the cup, you see a bitty dark liquid. 

It tasted rank. Might've had summat to do with the lack of milk, sugar and heat.

Jus' sayin'.

I have since recovered from this ordeal, though it was indeed many years before I could be persuaded to try it again.

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