Friday, 28 October 2011

I Know It Might Be Wrong But...


This blog is dedicated to Arnett Edwards, the principal of Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong, for granting us Monday off school because of the stress we've been under lately. 

Friday morning was a maths 7:30am type job. Aieee. After that I woke up over brekkie before THE SUBJECT THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED follwed by free in Geo (aka sunbathing in the courtyard avec Olivia) then physics and English, whereby the usual promise of epic intense social cultural media studies debate was crushed by an hour and a half of mark scheme jargon. Following this muchos let down, I went to Ma On Shan to finally sort out my bank card and send a letter so after queueing in the bank for an hour to deposit some money I was free to return to campus, where it was GO GO GO for the opening ceremony of the Lee Quo Wei hall. Dinner was half an hour early which really messed with everyone's body clock (when I say everyone I'm generalising although I'm pretty sure most people feel the same way I do) and then we all got dressed up and headed for the hall. All the officials and UWC board members got cake and cheese (REAL NOT PLASTIC CHEESE) and other posh yokes and we glared at them from afar (when we weren't too busy taking too many pictures that is).

Mise, Jayla and Paloma

The assembly hall opening was fist swallowing-ly horrendous in parts, and jaw dropping-ly impressive in others. Let's start with the went-according-to-plan stuff, so that we can climax with the funnier anecdotes of the woeful stuff afterwards.

Jaw Droppingly Impressive Moments (2kaii11 lawd)
  • Choir 
    • Uber talented singers? Check. 
  • Lion/Dragon dance
    • Judging by the freakishly overenthusiastic UWC board member in front of me, they were a hit
  • Ensemble
    • In fairness I challenge you to find someone who doesn't like Michael Jackson medleys on classical instruments
Fist Swallowing Moments 
  • Hello AV fail. 
    • "On behal BZZZZZZ I would like to ta BZZZZZ portunity BZZZ and when thi BZZZZ
  • Poor Mr Lee Quo Wei was unfairly forced to turn up, and let's face it, that was probably very detrimental to his health. Madison was informed that he might not make it through the opening. Personally I don't think it's fair to subject someone to going to the opening of an assembly hall if there's a risk that they might die live on the internet?
  • Mr Lee and co. fecked off before lion and dragon dance. Awks.
Steve's Face During the AV fail

Somehow after all this opening ceremony fiasco, Olivia managed to convince me to go to Lang Kwai with her, J-Kwok, Carter, Tiffany and Madison. That was fun. We found a monk. 

Fresh as a daisy, 7am sharp the next day I showered, breakfasted, AND packed for coral monitoring in half an hour. Coral was IMMENSE. We took a bus to the lickle port nearby then unpacked all the gear and loaded up the boat. Following this was a blissful hour long boat ride in the sun to the dive site. We were briefed on the general rules for the day -  4 SLICES OF BREAD EACH ONLY.

The diving itself went pretty well. Considering I didn't have my air on at first, I managed pretty well to survive for a while without panicking. I also lost my weight belt in the depths. Ahhh suuuure. When I was kitted up again, all 8 of us dived together. Visibility was about this much I------I. This may have been because we'd all clunk to the bottom, stir up all the sand and flail a lot. After an hour of diving we used up some of our bread, draining the world of its nutella supplies in the process. First exposure to nutella in 2 moths, it does crazy things to ya. Some banterful jumping-off-the-roof-of-the-boat-into-the-sea times were had before another hour of diving, this time I reckon I actually saw some life. As in a real life fish. On the way back, artsy pictures were taken against a sunset and the HK skyline whilst Yara did math IA on a boat like a bawse.

Saturday evening was spent out at the stairs le gach duine but for some crazy reason despite going to bed late enough I was still up mega early on Sunday. Grr. Sunday was spent doing pretty much nothing, cause I was hella tired. I tried some chem homework, got breakfast but  missed brunch (Y I ALWAYS DO THAT?), wrote some letters, did some grocery shopping, prolly had some rehearsals thrown in there too? I had judo that night, I flattened Madison. I shouldn't be proud, she's about half my height.

Monday morning I was supposed to do a geography presentation but I got off the hook cause Mia and Leila took aaaaages. After school I walked into the canteen to see a half crazed Paolina ushering me back out and before I knew it I was on the MTR heading sushi-ward to Ma On Shan. Somehow we managed to make this trip last only 45 minutes cause we had a university meeting at 2:30, although it was an intense scramble back and I ended up cycling a bike with no seat back through campus to the assembly hall with Paolina legging it along behind me. The university talk killed a few people. Shelley (ruthless canadian guidance counseller) stood at the top and told people that you don't need higher math to get into Harvard, that university isn't free, that there is no financial aid here here or here, that Princeton Yale and Harvard are different places, that the people who take music are the ones chosen for med school etc etc. I could go on, but I'm afraid I'd hear the anguished screams and thuds of people whose dreams have been crushed. That afternoon we had coral monitoring service planning which was spent talking about the dive (and planning next weekend's). Then we had China week planning, and we're gonna have some gargantuan task with the mural painting. Bring it? After dinner I had photography which was real good, we got to see everyone's photos with the theme "Off campus" and vote for them. My sunset-boat-subject-mountains picture got 8 votes. Boom. That night we had rehearsals again, it's getting there alright.

Tuesday my chinese class was cancelled so I had a double free block nom nom. Did a bitta math, a bitta chem, a bitta letter writing. After school I went with Liz to MOS to print some photos, send some letters, buy some food, get some caramel bubble tea and do general shtuff like that. That evening rehearsals were cancelled but after check in I watched half a movie with the american boy before organising the largest McDonalds order ever.

Yes, I broke. I have finally joined the McDonalds LPC facebook page. My hungry (yet healthy) nights are now going to be filled with shaky fries and oreo mcflurries. My introduction to this pop culture ritual was intense. The guy was laden down with the orders of 14 different parties, each ordering for others. The bill came to the equivalent of E45.

Wednesday I did me geo presentation which was mega, I blew people's minds with tales of North Korean outward migration. I also had a chemistry lab first class which went splendidly. So splendidly in fact that I decided to do the write up after school, 3 weeks before it was due. So like a bawse, I completed it and it was really really beautifully awesome. Then I accidentally deleted it. No so bawse-like, but eejit-like. Poor Paloma was there to witness mah  creys. It was soul destroying. But I picked myself up by running to the shop in Wu Kai Sha and ingesting impossible quantities of ice-cream, also skyping the rentals.We had rehearsals for the play after check in too which were well good innit.

Thursday I got up nice and earlypants to skype which was quare enjoyable cause afterwards I had a free morning block so I went back to sleep. At breaktime the LPC souvenir shop was open so I bought me a hoody which is real nice on the front (but who really cares if it's class of 2010 on the back anyway). Tar eis na ranganna I had art for non artists. Now AFNA are already the coolest kids on campus but this took it to a whole new level. We painted the sidan chair (there's a sidan chair race this sunday which we have a team for so they needed to spruce up the sidan cahir) by chucking luminous paint on it while dancing to ghetto music. The IDB review team people came round to witness how epic we were and even Shelley came by all like "But you guys I'm always invited to the partayyy!" and we were all like "Boom, we're so awesome that even Shelley wants to go to the AFNA parties". I went to dinner with paint in me hair and after that I went to more play rehearsals instead of the global issues forum which was on split nations (hello Ireland yo) but it was alroish cause rehearsals were real fun. I'd love to elaborate but yanno, top secret and the likes. Thursday after block meeting (someone farted it was lolsome) I started on this yoke and got my chemistry going again. We then got an e-mail saying that we have Monday off school. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM.

Friday's going grand, I'm was just chilling by the pool during my free block with James, Olivia agus Paolina, throwing down some work and yelling along to Oasis. Jason made of sorts for lachsons birthday so we devoured that a couple of secondos ago. Think a mega pile nutella, melted ice cream, chocolate roll, roulade, hershey's kisses etc etc along with a few teaspoons. I'm thinking of going to a philosophy talk later with Rosie etc later, should be interesting? Esp cause it's in some artsty cafe. 

Look at me, being pretentious. Join me next week for tales of the long weekend! Buh bye guys, 7 weeks and I'm home! x

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing. I think I had about as much fun reading it as you did living all this madness. Glad to hear everything is hunky dory in the land of the gelbe gefahr. (The gf is Austrian. They're a bit racialist there. But then again, as a UWC grad, I guess I am too. With REASON.)

    Much love, H x
