Sooo on Tuesday I had my morning block math which was as atrocious as always - me and calculus just don't see eye to eye at the moment - then chem and what have ya. After school (which ended at 2) I went to Ma On Shan with Wendy, Ella & Brea to get snacks for our block activity. After purchasing the whole of the crisps isle, I sent my letters and went back to campus. Once I got back, I did some work on my Math IA, just polishing it up and that. That evening was the opening of the art exhibition which was like WOAH. I was so super jeally it was unreal. Chem has sapped all my remaining energy and life - something rejuvinatable only through art! (and neologism)
On Wednesday had a free morning block, then ToK, then another free - in which I printed me maffs, then chem & geo. At 2:15 all of block 2 piled on the bus to go to Silverstrand beach out past Sai Kungers, and we shwam in the sea, and lay on this weird floating island yoke and pushed people off the weird floating island yoke ate ice-cream and laughed at Ray. We got back around 5ish, when I prolly worked or at least tried to, before going to a talk by Paloma's mammy on her animation work which was super interesting - she does the Charmin ads and that! 
Thursday was handing in IA day. Oh the abundant happiness. I went shopping for ingredients with the café team, came back and did some more café admin, then went to God (the Woody Allen play) which I daresay I completed with my two lines "I'm not fictional!" and "But I have a boyfriend at Harvard business school!", as haphazardly scrawled on my hand. Tar éis God, I went back to the art exhibition with Livvie-uh for one last longing look at what could have been my future. On Thursday night I was too afraid to go back to my room because of prank day (second years have no more classes and so have nothing else to do but turn to fear mongering), and so I worked a little on my geo IA but for the most part just stayed in the block 1 computer room, helping Antonio & John Wang make certificates for the teachers. Luckily Dilene had hidden some mini eggs around the block and I was able to survive on those along with mini naps until 3am when I reckoned it was safe to leave for bed. I climbed itno Glenda's bed (she was away) because I figured I'd be safer if my roomies saw my empty bed, but at about 4 crawled into mine, and slept until 6:15 when I ran for freedom, avoiding all main routes and sticking to the walls when I happened upon the mass of second year bodies in the courtyard, waiting outside for my morning block.

So yeah, I guess now it's Friday, so time for a new paragraph. Uhm. So aside from a few casualties, prank day didn't seem to happen, though that made me even more paranoid, along with Julie, who insisted on locking all the doors whilst we had class. They played loud music at brekkie & lunch and terrified me. At 5ish there were drinks down at the principal's house so I stole a dress from Rara, and hung around to steal some spring rolls and uglily photobomb a few photos. The second years were all about to leave for graduation dinner so Olivia and I figured we were being too awkward so we went to Maddie's room and lay on her bed before going to Wellcome and buying about roughly a gazbillion balloons. And an ice cream. We set up camp in the block 4 dayroom and hosted a MEGA AWESOME SUPER BALLOON BLOWING UP PARTY, of which I was the sole attendant, save Maddie who can't blow up balloons, and Olivia who eventually managed a packet or so. We recruited whoever happened to stray in there, including Carmen, Tara and Ottavia, before Sylla came by and helped us to write a bitchy e-mail to erryone telling them to come. Once the time the canteen party began rolling around there were more and more people to blow them up and transport them and eventually the place looked alroish. The second years' arrival interrupted my DMC with Livvie, but after a little while longer in my room with her good self and Maddie we headed to the canteen party for a lil while. I left when Arnett started to do his thang. I think my body could exert no more energy and I collapsed into bed.

Unimpressed balloon face. Y'all have one. |

4 and a half hours later, I got up for coral monitoring yaaaaaaaaaay. Had a shower, packed me bag, and went to the poolside to sort out gear. We got the bus to Tai Po, got on our boat after loading all the gear, and helped ourselves to a hearty nutella sangwitch. I was on photos with Laura so we did the low down on that, basically a photo of the transect erry 50cm. There was some weird ass waste in the water, as well as a load of jellyfish, which, while being my second favourite animal (after bats dontcha know) were the small see-through boring kind and were not so nice to bump into after clearing your leaky mask for the 4th time. After our dive was over I made me some nudeln and reminisced about School Of Rock with Andres, as well as examining bellybuttons and Dawn's peeling marks. There were also some interesting ethical debates too - "if your son was gonna die, would you get an illegal organ to save him?" and "if you were driving a train and one good kid was playing on the abandoned line and 10 bad kids were playing on a line they knew was in use, which line would you take?". These are summarised loike, but same idea. We got back at 6ish and then it was insane uber rush to get all the stuff for café together after cleaning all our dive gear. Café started at 7:30 and despite some AV balls ups and perhaps-so-controversial-I-shouldn't-call-it-controversial-on-my-blog-for-fear-that-people-remember-it-or-get-mad comedy it was great finally over. It had been a darn tough week and by the time I was all alone washing the floor of the student kitchen (after, of course the dutchies' large cleaning input) and listening to The Bluetones, the bliss was unbelievable. When finally carting my stuff back to me room, I bumped into Tifftiff and had a well nice DMC with her on the make-out bench, watching a cockroach devour a stray M&M.
wo de epic roomies doing KPOP right thurr |
On Sunday morning I took my time getting up, and didn't let myself do any strenuous work until 12, when I went to the library to work on my Geo IA. After 5 productive hours and a short noodle break, I went to jam and all that with le band (despos in need of a name) for a couple of hours, before grabbing dindins and heading to Bheki's Voice talk on the anthropology of LPC. This was followed by a skyping to the mammy and the sister, when we had a "hot-people-off" and she showed me all the clothes I was going to steal during the summer. I went back to work on geo after check in, until 12 when I wished the pitiful group in the block 3 computer room luck.
Johnny Depp won |
Cette matin, I had a free morning block so i got up early enough, had a shower, completely finished me geo, printed it off and went to maths. I had a free chem block too - condensed divinity right there. I had a parcel from the mammy in the general office, packed full of choccie - most of which has already been devoured (or given away in return for art pieces). At 2:30 I had coral monitoring service planning, when I discovered that next Sunday Imma be dressing up as a panda for a WWF event. Seems legit sure. That were over at like 5, and at 6 I had more band practice (is there no better phrase?) until the disgruntled first aiders had had enough of RHCP's "Snow" and kicked us out of their examination room. I had a quick dinner, watched some amazing forked lightening - first I've seen in me life and wrote this yoke, not after popping in to see Wendy & Brian to ask for an extension next Thursday. You'll see why when that happens I shpose. Until then keeeeeeeeeeeep dancing!