and agonized ranting before calmly suggesting I write it again. Fall-off-bike-get-back-on-Savlon'll-fix-it theory like. I wasn't taking any of it and wallowed in my despair instead. So sorry bout that. To paraphrase it, it was basically just about buying dodgy granny cardigans, playing board games, watching copious amounts of Gavin & Stacey, eating crumpets and other wholesome foods such as oranges for breakfast (albeit of the Terry's Chocolate variety), blasting the choooons, cycling into town for Sunday Times magazine on New Year's day and other beaut things about my holliers.
I came back to Hongkers on Sunday last? Left via lunch in Avoca, flew uneventfully to Heathrow (save being 8kgs overweight and having to throw things at the maternal and siblingly units to take home), had to travel to the Dundee region to get to terminal 5 from where I landed, then had a 5 hour overlay in Heathrow. Would've shopped but me hand luggage was so unreal heavy that I was pretty grounded. I stocked up on good aul british toiletries in Boots and got me some dinner, began a physics lab report and fretted about why my plane was the only one without a gate no. Then for another 5 mile trek to gate 16 at 10pm ish, follwed by pretty much continuous sleep for 12 hours with all the intentions of studying Chinese/watching films. I was in the awkward by the window spot too so I felt totes guilts about moving out. Talk about your numb being arse*. Pure flew through immigration like a bawse with me HK ID card, leaving gaping bedraggled tourists in my wake. Got back to school on the A41p with Sam (Thai) at about 8pm where I pretty much just crashed after visiting a few peeps.
The jet lag were pretty bad and for the first couple of days I was a little like:

Luckily I had geography first class (what a gorge subject) then physics, Yingyu and Sinís. Then first free block of the year. Noice wan.Tried and failed to move out of Chemistry but that's an ongoing quest. Watched the Savage Eye xmas spesh le hÁine i seomra Bobby, before photography followed by not going to lion dance fitness and crashing instead.
Tuesday I'd morning math bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh. Follwed by other average subjects. Went out for a brit meeting. Ate a crunchie bar. Broke into third packet of Jaffa Cakes from home. Did physics lab with Ella Chan laaa. Went to James' birthday where cake was thrown so I scraped a bit off the floor and wolfed it down before legging it. Rang mammy. Watched a bit of Gav n Stace.
Wednesday was morning free, followed by the typical 8:55 CLASS IN 5 MINS THROW ON TRACKY BUM BUMS AND LEG IT TO TOK routine of every morning free day. Went back to my room after class to find I was locked out so did some physics problem and sent off me lab report. Attempted to study math with José. Ended up joining in with the bant in the block 2 computer room. Saw Oda's fam before heading over to Wendy's house for tutor dinner of mega gammon shteak, nommy potatoes and azzolutely delish lemon meringue pie for puddicles. Heard stories of her hubby's upbringing and fear of turkeys and learned unbeatable insults of the 'W'hatever 'M'inger your 'M'other 'W'orks in 'M'cdonalds variety. Had fun playing with 3 year old's toys. Bheki & I particularly perplexed by purple giraffe. Wednesday night was spent in le Halfdan's room with James, Apopo, Quentin and Halfdan himself, watching Justice videos and going uuuuh whenever there was an evident drop. We be cool like that.
Thursday after school I made rice cake bun things for our elderly neighbours cause we keep them up when we go out or summat, I sadly missed art for non artists and was reprimanded by Laszlo (won't happen again soz). Hung out with Madi and Olivia in block 4 dayroom. Watched series finale of Gav & Stace with Olivia, not gonna lie, there were tears. Ate loads of dairy milk and skipped dinner...potentially bad idea right there. Felt really wrecked so after block meeting I had a real deece shower in the 3rd shower from the door (aka th'only one with any water pressure at all at all) and slept.

Friday started out pretty badly, school was just painful, but by the time 4 came around things were picking up. Went to Lee On with Rosie, sent a couple o postcards, bought a hottlie wottlie bottlie, heat packs, an extension lead, more hair dye and a smarties McFlurry. Stole clothes from Rosie to wear to Osage (art gallery) trip with da kool kids (lol jk art students). Went to Osage, my favourite was a heap of sandcastles under a red light entitled "Mars". Decided to head back to school via Pizza Express with Heather in Soho. Dough balls disappeared in legit under a minute. We then decided, seeing as we were in the general vicinity, to gander up to Lan Kwai and find the boys. Which we did after only about 5 minutes. An impromptu night was enjoyed, despite some insane taxi rank goings on.
This morning I had lion dance, my phone died in the middle of the night so I woke up at 9:50 instead of the planned 8:30. Throwing on tracky bumbums routine was repeated. Since then I've done quite a bit of nothing which is nice. Currently lying in bed, eating dipdabs from home and pure blashting The Raconteurs. Going for bubble tea with the secondie later. Reckons I'll leave y'all with me addy as I used to do back in the day. 'Til next week you goyyys. I feels it.

Hannah Read
Room 2/204
Li Po Chun United World College
10 Lok Wo Sha Lane
Sai Sha Road
Ma On Shan
Sha Tin
New Territories
Hong Kong SAR
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