Saturday, 21 January 2012

Xin Nian Kuai Le to that!

      So last Sa'urday after my nice relaxing sit in bed write blog routine, I banted off to Park N Shop in Ma On Shan to pick up some groceries with the second year. Now I never understand why I ever went to Wellcome over Park N Shop. I mean really, there's no comparison. It has mini Wheetabix Fruit and Nut! And resealable jaffa cakes! I was fair disappointed that I wouldn't have to import the squashed packets of emergency jaffa cake supplies anymore so as of yet I've neglected to inform the parental units (although the truth'll come out now innit). Got some sushi for me dinner too and had pineapple wars with Áine on the pier before walking back to campus along the beach in de dark which was zehr nice indeeds. We watched The Girl With A Pearl Earring which I quite enjoyed, if only because of Cillian Murphy's cheekbones and because I could take th'absolute piss outta ScarJo errytime she had a spaz attack. Which was pretty often. 

      Did very little on Sunday, save take self portrait for photography which involved some intricate lighting techniques and hanging Paloma's ubes expensive camera from my bunting and leaping over chairs whilst the self timer ticked down. I also slept in, did some homework, skyped the rentals, nice Sunday shtuff like. Worked in Trevor's room avec le Mia and le James but ended up trying to out-youtube each other with ghetto rap. Surprised Bobby in library for birthday. Had judo and destroyed some people, it's a little scary how angry I get. Pays off though. Went out for bbq pork shtuff with cúpla daoine for Bobby's birthday.

      Monday was a little crummy. Jason broke my iPod. And now belongs to me until he gets his priorities straight and hot-foots it to the Apple store. Did have a free morning block though which was nice. Went to stoooopid drugs talk. Ketamine makes your bladder smaller and as girls, unless we wear incredibly tight jeans when we go to house parties in America, we'll get assaulted. Had coral monitoring and discussed lots of shtuff about project week GOING DIVING IN MALAYSIA LIKE A LAOBAN (bawse as sínís). Had photography which was coolaboola indeeds, we debated and critiqued those self portraits like you wouldn't believe. I didn't go to lion dance fitness because I thought I had a theory of knowledge essay to write (turns out it was due Friday but I found that out a little later, aka after all 500 words had been vommed out). Popped into Arshia's birthday for a while before spiralling into The XX and Radiohead and found myself wandering campus at 2am with Rosie and blueberry tea (courtesy of block 2's other resident Welshie, Paloma) before getting a grip and going to bed like a normal bean. Albeit iPod less. 

      An lá tar éis é sin, I had a pretty stretched out day of school, before a french comprehension in order to GTF out of chemistry. It was about genetics and the progressions in the field. As part of my test, I'd to write a personal essay. I ended up banging on about mammoths. Syntactically it was quite wonderful (peut-etre nous verrons un mammouth dans notre vie). That afternoon I did a wickle bit of homework, ate some sour blueberries left over from Sunday night, tidied the bedroom and wrote some postcards. Had planned to go to the gym with Heather but by god by the time 9 rolled around we were not up for it.

      Wednesday, or the third Friday of the week as it came to be known, dragged by quare slowly too. I had a physics lab, did some mapwork in geo that kinda thing. Had jazz band tar éis an scoile, we did this yoke called Poco Loco which was pretty mint despite the fact that I didn't have an amp so stood there a little uselessly but with all the best intentions. I think I tried to go to Ma On Shan to get a key cut and send aforementioned postcards but when I went to take some money out in the Wu Kai Sha station it turned out I had HK$4.80 in my account. Which, at today's exchange rate is pretty much 48c. So that plan diminished. I decided to put a wash on and was shocked and muchos appalled to find that someone had changed it from 40 @ regular dirty to 90 @ COMPLETELY SOILED. Still a little scarred that my clothes were boiled. At least they smell like Persil. Home comforts like you wouldn't know. Wednesday night consisted of some intense lion dance training for Chinese Cultural Evening. We did it on the tennis courts and ended up doing it in the dark when the floodlights cut out because it was time for normal people to go to bed. Hoping to have a video of it so y'all can know what th'actual hell I'm always banging on about with this lion dance malarky. Had a wickle chat with mammy on the skype that night cause I still can't get over having internet in my room.

      Thursday I woke up at 5am to skype the besto. Who decided to bail on me. Ungrateful ginger fraaaaaaaaaaaaake. After an indignant hour's nap I popped along to maths for intensive revision lesson for the test the next day and ended the school day with an hour and a half of english. The hunger really gets to you in that class. We had to endure this video as an example of media bias, although really it was just to horrify all females worldwide and make them ashamed of their gender. It's quite horrendous. Went to art for non artists and did a self portrait (fair amount of selfies in this blog). I was pretty happy with it, might take a pic for next week's blog. Went to the GIF (global issues forum) on Islam and Pakistan given by our Pakistani 3rd year, Taha. Twas really interesting although Carol and I joked after that it should be renamed GIPP (Global Issues Powerpoint Presentation) due to all the people who just up and leave before debate. That said, I appreciate that we're all busy busy people. I then decided to set up a very tentative fashion blog. Tentative because I myself don't generally endorse them. Y U set it up then? Pretty much just cause I aaaalways want to be that person in the Sunday Times Magazine's "What are you wearing?" section, as conceited as that may be. Link available on request I shpose. Had block meeting but Wendy was sick so Trevor was just like "um any news no kthnxbai". Had another lion dance session after that, this time in the courtyard before heading up to José's room and migrating to the block 1 computer room for some seriously intense math studyage. Legit until early hours. We're usually a lot more put together than that. Managed to complete the square without cheating, and logarithms can just go die.

      Friday I got up nice and early, had a shower, intended to go to breakfast but ended up loling my face off in my room looking at Paloma's culture. Who said we don't practice cultural understanding? This was followed by theory of knowledge whereby there were some strange opinions about survival of the fittest and why we vote for politicians. Then BAM math test. I experienced that post math test feeling. The kind of "What's done is done. Basic concepts understood. All questions answered. Head fuzzy from 45 minutes of pure mathmatical focus." type feeling. All of a sudden it was chinese new year. Holidays loike. Had a bit of a SCHOOOOOL'S OUT FOR THE SUMMER! SHCOOOOOL'S OUT FOREVER moment, if only internally. Went to Mong Kok a bit uselessly with James and Bellamy, but we got delish din dins (nomnomnomribsnomnomnom) and went to Park N Shop on the way home. I then napped a little, wrote some of this before heading out to the stairs. Back at a reasonable time though becaaaaaaaaause... 

      ....I had to skype that ginger frake. Safe to say she had to endure my morning voice which is at least 10 octaves lower than regular voice as well as some chronic yawning. This was followed by a snatch of sleepage before 2.5 solid hours of lion dance. Madison and I be rolling like pros. After that I grabbed some lunch dans la shitang, before going to the ehhh flower market with Celine and Mia. We didn't quite find it but we found the goldfish market and bought various dodgy juices from the dodgy juice place. At 2:10 I legged it all the way from Kowloon back to campus to watch a weird ass french movie with MY NEW FRENCH CLASS. Oh so ubes excited. Movie was good (slightly lacking in subtitles) and Michele had made us brownies so that was lovely so 'twas. Now, I'm just chilling in me bedroom, anticipating the absolute BANT that shall be had tonight. Snow Patrol in Dublin? Try Dan Deacon in HK. Yeaaaaahhh buddy and a half. Xin nian kuai le to that!

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